Saturday, January 4, 2025

2024, A Year in Review

Vogue 9107  / "Magnolia" Sweater
Butterick 6592 / Vogue 9107

I have gotten in the habit of posting a year in review, and it's that time again . . . 

"Magnolia" Sweater / Vogue 8685
"Cherie" Sweater & Vogue 1961 / "Jersey with a Soft Bow" Sweater

While this doesn't really sum up every project that I had my hands on this year, these images represent items that I managed to post on the blog in 2024.  The total comes to 22, which seems like a decent number when you figure that is almost two projects a month.  Considering the backlog of photos that I need to get through and post, I should probably be doing more.  Then again, are people even reading blogs anymore?!

Simplicity 9538 / Vogue 2000
Simplicity 9040 / Butterick 4985

I had a productive December and now that the New Year has arrived, I am feeling slightly less motivated (not sure that's the way it's supposed to work).

Hollywood 579 / Vogue 9345
McCalls 8431 & Burda 6965 / McCalls 7950

But I do have some fun ideas for future sewing projects.  I really do want to finish at least one jacket/coat during the cold season.  And then there is that quilt that has been neglected for way too long . . .

Simplicity 2695 / Simplicity 9818
Butterick 6955 / Butterick 4885

I guess my main "resolution," if you will, is to use up more of my stashed items instead of getting distracted by new items that I see.  And goodness knows, there are plenty of projects waiting for me in the sewing room, so I should probably get back to it!


  1. I definitely still read blogs and love it when I get to read new posts - so thanks for keeping it up! You sew such lovely garments and your posts definitely get me motivated to sew when I find myself wanting to sew but needing a nudge to get going. Happy New Year!

  2. Yes, yes, we still read blogs. We also still appreciate the amount of work and care which goes into your lovely sewing and the effort of making the blog. I’m amazed at your productivity over the year and it’s nice to see it all laid out in one blog. I must catch up on those I’ve missed. Hope the New Year starts to bring more inspiration, but the weather has been less than inspiring this year. I’m confused about what to wear never mind what to make!

  3. I still read blogs and I am always delighted to read what you post. I'm impressed by your creativity and use your posts as reference when I am looking for finishing tips.
    I'll be reading as long as you choose to keep writing.
    Thank you.

  4. Definitely lots of us blog readers out here and I really appreciate your posts and the detail of your process, so thank you - and HNY!

  5. Yes, I absolutely endorse all the above comments about blogs. Please don't stop! I don't "do" Facebook, Instagram or anything else, and I really do value a blog which goes into detail about style, technique and everything else. Other "platforms" really can't compete in anywhere near the same way. Thank you.

  6. I read blogs! Even if it's just for yourself it's nice to have a curated record of your projects. That's how I feel about my own blog.
    I am inspired by seeing your projects. I am looking forward to what you have in store for 2025.
    I like your "resolution". :) I have been trying to stick to my stash for a couple years now and it feels good to put to use fabric that has been sitting around for a long time.

  7. I read blogs and yours is the first I turn to! Invaluable! Your sewing is inspirational. I refer back to different techniques you've had the kindness to explain (just put in another zipper by hand--thank you!), buy the occasional product (hug snug), and enjoy the beauty and craft you put into each project. I'm very grateful you take the time to write these wonderful posts.

  8. Here to affirm--I read blogs, and love yours! You are one of the few happy little corners of the internet that I check daily. A new post is a bright spot in my day. I love following your projects and have learned so much from your breakdowns on construction methods.
    I don't do much garment sewing, but my 9 yo daughter and our 12 yo neighbor friend love to sew together and want to learn, so what you have taught me is about to get passed on again. :)
    Thank you for the inspiration, and take heart! Keep it coming, Laura Mae!

  9. Yes! We absolutely do read blogs, and I so appreciate yours! It’s utterly delightful!!!
    There is a warmth and depth to blogs that doesn’t come through on other platforms (imho), largely due to length constraints, I’d imagine.
    Listening to some of the online chatter, it seems that a lot of people are beginning to return to blogs, citing a more “pure” experience.
    Yours is pure. Pure swellness! Thank you. You are greatly appreciated!!!
