Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Stretching Out of my Comfort Zone

I am rather excited about my Alabama Chanin progress.  Here is the test run garment that was thrown together before I spend hours and hours on hand stitching and appliquéing.

This knit is more substantial and has a bit more stretch than my cotton jersey, but it was a useful process.

There really is not much more to say about a basic four seamed knit skirt.  Although this one is a bit special because I believe this is my first knit fabric project (took me long enough to work up the courage!).

It also gave me a reason to pull out this sweater . . . so I am going to call this one a success.

For now, it is back to the hand appliqué work . . . I have one of my skirt pieces finished (except for some of the cutting) and am well into the stitching on the second.  And I am enjoying every minute of it!

Sweater:  Made by me, Jenny Cardigan
Skirt:  Made by me, Alabama Chanin
Shoes:  Halogen


  1. I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished product. I've been sewing with knits, too, and I've been enjoying it.

  2. A very attractive basic skirt. You have the length and fit perfect. I am looking forward to seeing the fancy one!

  3. Very lovely, classic monochromatic ensemble. I've been feeling single hued looks like this big time lately.

    ♥ Jessica

  4. The skirt is gorgeous and looks great with the sweater. Knits are great fabrics to work with!

  5. Gosh that doesn't look like a knit skirt, very stylish.

  6. So glad that this "trial" skirt is playing so well with the other pieces in your wardrobe!
