
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Quick Work in Thick Wool

Who every thought this yarn would be considered “thick”!  These days they sell knitting needles the size of baseball bats (well, maybe not quite that thick!).  But, I suppose, by 1936 standards it is.  And, just like the name of the sweater suggests, this is a QUICK knit!

The pattern is easy to remember, but interesting enough to be a whole lot more fun to knit than an entire sweater made of stockinette stitch.

I purchased the yarn expecting that this was going to be a purple color.  The color is listed as “plum” and that was sort of what I was expecting.  The actual product is more of a “wine” in my opinion.  Now, I realize that color is a very subjective thing, and the names that people come up with to describe colors are imaginative and a whole lot of fun, but  it would be a lot more helpful if there was some way to define color.  How about a requirement that Pantone’s color system be included in any online description?

Anyway . . . I am very pleased with my new sweater and will probably end up making another one some day!  And, I already have quite a few purple hued sweaters, so it is probably a happy coincidence that the yarn was not what I was expecting!

Do you find that your closets are full of similar tones and colors?  Time to branch out!

My pleated navy wool skirt is yet another fabulous find from Goodwill!  It was on the rack at the end of December, but it looked a bit on the small side, and it was time to leave, so it was left behind.  I was kicking myself about it for a couple of days and decided I needed to get over myself.  But a few weeks later, it was still there!  I guess some things are just meant to be.

Skirt:  via Goodwill
Shoes:  Franco Sarto “Comic” in Marina
Belt:  Banana Republic
Earrings:  Gift


  1. I would be the happiest girl in the world if all yarn/fabric's came with a Pantones code. It would indeed be super.

    I agree with you on the wine/plum predicament - but your knitted garment is still uber-lovely in the end :)

  2. Got to love how different people perceive and name colours, my husband and I are always arguing over whether something is green or blue. I work with paint swatches sometimes at work and I always enjoy seeing what names they have come up with for the different colours, that would be a fun job! ;)

  3. Beautiful! And great that it was a quick knit!

  4. That really is a lovely knit! I am working on a sweater that is unfortunately all stockinette, and I am getting bored. I do love the color, even if it's not what you had originally hoped for.

  5. Overheard Conversation #6:

    "Did ya notice?"
    [spoken quickly] "Mmm hmm, right away."
    "Pure subterfuge! She mixed up those poses deliberately."
    "I should say so. Guile without guilt, that's what she's peddlin'."
    "Meanwhile, here's another project under her wide cinched belt."
    [scoff] "Haven't seen that belt before. What does she do, mug mannequins?"
    "Good one, but back to the knitting; life gives this one plums, and she makes wine."
    "Then she wants to normalize the color palette for fibers. If she pulled that off they'd probably call it 'The Laura Mae System'!"
    "Bite your tongue and swallow it too! Just how insufferable a world are you capable of imagining?"
    "Sorry, but her ambition is legendary, and everything she does WORKS!"
    "Thanks, just apply molten salt to the wound, why don't ya?"
    [exasperated] "Look at us, she's got us fighting amongst ourselves."
    [in unison] "THAT Laura Mae!"

  6. Ooo, silk bamboo. That must be so lovely soft.
    I agree with some standardization of colors online. I have gotten a lot of color surprises in fabric, thread, and other materials.

  7. I love that color on you. I think the yarn gods were looking out for you.

  8. What a beautiful sweater. It looks like it would have taken ages to make!

  9. looking through older posts, I missed this sweater - or maybe I didn't quite have my knitters drool on yet. I love it. The shape is sweet and the belt makes it curvy awesome. :) ~Shannon
