
Sunday, October 30, 2011

“Whistle While you Work . . .”

Today I am busy making Tino’s Halloween costume.

Tomorrow is fast approaching, but I need a break from tiny sleeves and armholes, so I though I would share a costume from a few years ago. 

This is Snow White with her trusty side-kick, Happy.

With the help of Simplicity 2813, I came up with a decent version of Disney’s Snow White. 

My research started with the 1937 animated film.  From there, I did a few internet searches to find still images. There are quite a few variations out there, but I wanted to take most of my ideas from the film.

The one thing I really did not like about the pattern was the cheap looking sleeve treatment. The pattern advises you to fuse sections of one fabric to another with raw edges - ick!  It took a bit more time, but I cut an inner and outer sleeve.  I created a template for my cutouts a bit more tear-drop shaped than the pattern, cut those templates with seam allowances, sewed right side to right side on my outersleeve, clipped the seams, and turned to the inside before invisibly stitching the facings down. The inside sleeve was then basted to the outer sleeve, right side to wrong side and treated as a single piece for gathering and setting in.

More information about the construction may be found over on Pattern Review.

For Happy,  I used Simplicity 3939 as a basic pattern base to help with sleeve placement.

His beard was a happy mistake.  I knew that a bit of elastic was going to be necessary to keep any kind of hat on his head, but I really did not want it to show.  Lucky me, most of the dwarfs have little beards, and a small chunk of fiberfill folded over the elastic and sewed down took care of disguising the elastic.  In the end, I think the beard really made the costume!

And now I really must get back to his costume, for tomorrow is Halloween!

Dress, Cape and Collar:  Made by Me.  (Simplicity 2813)
Petticoat:  Made by Me.  (Simplicity 5006)
Wig:  "Bettie Page" wig from Party City
Shoes:  from Lacis


  1. That's hilarious! He must be a saint, not to eat that beard.

  2. Hello Laura !
    Maintenant que je sais que vous avez appris le français à l'école et que vous aimez le parler, j'ai moins de complexes à vous écrire uniquement dans ma langue maternelle.
    Je me souviens très bien de votre costume de Blanche Neige que vous aviez posté sur votre ancien blog que je visitais aussi régulièrement très impressionnée par vos talents de couturière.
    Je vous envie de pouvoir fêter Halloween car ici, en France, nous ne la fêtons que très peu et de moins en moins d'ailleurs.
    C'est vraiment dommage car je prenais beaucoup de plaisir à sculpter des citrouilles, décorer ma maison et distribuer des tonnes de bonbons à tous les enfants déguisés du voisinage !!!
    J'ai hâte de voir votre prochaine réalisation et, dans l'attente, je vous souhaite un très "Happy Halloween" !

  3. @Emma Emma - He is an absolute angel . . . most of the time. And he loves wearing sweaters once the weather gets cold.

  4. @LeBoisDuChat Quel dommage! J’oublie que les autre pays ne peux pas feter. Vous devez porter un costume – peut-etre vous commencerez une tendance.

  5. Ohh!! you look very very pretty!!
